Divine Elevation

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A Message from our Ancestors and our Higher Selves

I am starting a new share that I am calling The Womb Tarot. These will be shared in my newsletter (so sign up if you want to know when they are released!), and my blog here.

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In each channeled message I will share a card with a message from our Ancestors, and one from our Higher Selves, along with any insights I gather, prompts for spiritual or physical practices, and anything that feels relevant to the messages.

If you are interested in developing your connection with Spirit and supporting yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually, these channeled messages and guidance are for you!

Introducing The Womb Tarot

TRUST THAT You Have Everything You Need In Your Current Situation

Associated word/phrase: TRUST YOUR WISDOM

The cards that I pulled work in synchronicity. No matter when you are reading this, our Ancestors, Higher Selves and guides are supporting you and are sharing their wisdom. These cards are particularly gentle, guiding us to remember how much wisdom we already have and how change can happen with baby steps taken in faith.

A Message from Our Ancestors

The Wise One - Grow Within Your Current Situation

There may be a trigger in this card, considering that patience and future visioning don’t often go hand in hand. It can be very difficult to appreciate your current situation if you are not happy with it. This card is a reminder that within a current situation, we have wisdom, resources, and opportunities available to us. The Wise One/ Chrone has experienced a full life, with many failures, setbacks, challenges, and choices, and through this has developed deep wisdom and grace.

How can we call on this Wise One within during our times of challenge?

Especially when all we may want to do is run, change, or be or do something else? The message from our Ancestors here is one of trust and faith in our abilities and our paths. Reminding us that commitment, dedication, and continued effort will help us in our journey. Having gratitude for what we currently have (no matter how small that may feel), and using the resources and gifts available to us now, will help us move toward our desired goal, change, project, or outcome. This leads so beautifully into the next card, giving prompts for guided action!

A Message from our Higher Selves

Baby Steps - Action. Follow your intuition before it makes sense

In this card, our higher selves are reminding us that each small step we take supports us. AND that we don’t have to know every answer or step before pursuing what is calling us. Taking action toward something we want is hard to do when we likely do not have any proof that it will work. But our Ancestors, guides, and Higher Selves ask us to trust what feels right and take the first small step towards it.

Small steps sometimes seem irrelevant, but are actually very powerful! When we combine our intent with action, we double the power behind it. Imagine you are trying to improve your health (as an example). Maybe you think you have to get a gym membership, join a diet plan or exclude all the foods you love to eat and start meditating in order to do this. It might feel overwhelming and then all the pressures of judgment, self-criticism, and a busy life get in the way.

Trust yourself and take small steps. It may look like today you made the choice to eat a nutritious meal and enjoy the junk food. Tomorrow you made the choice to go for a walk without your phone and later take a bath and practice some self-care. The next week, you take your vitamins, stretch on the floor and stop the negative self-talk the moment it happens. Each time you choose one small step, they build upon each other, increasing your power, and direction toward your goal. As you take these small steps, it becomes easier to take the next.

In the Wise One card, we also see an owl and a raven. These animals can signify wisdom, and a connection to the spiritual realm, being messengers and guides. Are there ways you are closing yourself off from receiving guidance? What would happen if you looked around you with open eyes and an open heart?

In the Baby Steps card, we see 3 figures moving closer to the gate. I take this as versions of ourselves, moving closer to where and what we want with each step. Notice how the path winds, rises, and requires movement?

In what ways can you make one or two moves in support of your aim today? Remembering that you know what is right for you, separate the voices of others and of society from your own.


Take a few deep breaths and draw your energy down towards your belly. You are going to connect with your own internal wisdom on what you need today. This is different than using your logical mind, making choices based on feelings or reactions, and helps you to get to the heart of your truth.

  1. Place your hands on your belly, just below your belly button. This space is called the womb space, the void, the center of power, and other amazing names!

  2. Close your eyes and drop your awareness down behind your hands, deep into your belly

  3. Ask yourself “what is one thing I need right now to support myself in…(insert your challenge, goal, dream, or project”).

Trust what is shared with you, what you hear, what you sense, or see. Without judgment or explanation. Your wisdom has spoken! Now follow through and listen to what it has guided you on.


If you need a little more support, take the associated word/phrase associated with this reading TRUST YOUR WISDOM, into your belly. What does that feel like, look like? What does it ask of you? Does something pop up for you? If your instinct is to reject it, downplay it, or question it then your ego mind is getting in the way.

Breathe and accept your wisdom in.

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