Divine Elevation

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An Update

I haven’t been posting as much writing on my website in part because I have been posting on Medium and also because I have been super busy juggling many different things. I thought I would post an update on what I have been working on. There are some exciting updates to come!

Menstrual Workshop with a Body, Mind, AND Spirit Focus

I have officially launched my Menstrual workshop which takes you through how to care for yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually, and energetically while menstruating!

This workshop is a mix of presentation, ceremony, optional group sharing, and an activity to really get you in tune with how you want to feel during your cycle and how to support that.

High-level themes include:

Understanding menstruation at each level

Nutrition and Self-Care

A brief history of how menstruation was attended to by our ancestors and some cyclical information about moon cycles

Energetic and spiritual hygiene techniques

Opportunity to share about challenges you experience in a safe and supportive space

This round is being held online August 26th, get a ticket here and I can’t wait to see you there!


It’s time! I am at the point now in this next phase of my shamanic studies, to offer shamanic drum journeys (and other tools/medicine) as part of my practicum. Below is some information on this and why you may want to try it.

These sessions are being offered as an energy exchange. What does that mean?

There is no monetary fee for these sessions at this time. As it is part of my practicum, they are free for participants. The exchange comes in the form of your participation, openness, and constructive feedback as I practice this beautiful medicine with you! And with that, know I have done many of these journey’s and you are getting my best, even if it is considered a “practicum”.

In a Shamanic Drum Journey session, we spend a few minutes discussing your intent and desire for the journey as well as exploring a few foundational teachings including:

-Your birth totem animal

-Your place of biggest challenge or imbalance

-Finding your Chief Power Animal, which is the animal most like your essence in this lifetime

-Ways to develop a stronger bond with your animal guides and how to integrate the journey after! In each drum journey, you will call in the animal that guides and protects you in this aspect. The reason for this is that we journey with their support and calling them in is part of responsible healing work. Think of it as a relationship to foster and respect. We come into this lifetime with 9 core animals for different aspects of our life journey and we can explore all if you like!

There are 4 types of journeys available:

A Chief Power Animal and Medicine Wheel Journey to develop a place of power and support in the spirit realm, this is the foundational journey and a great place to start! If you do not want to build your Medicine Wheel, we can work with a space of awareness instead.

Shadow Journeys

  1. To reconcile parts of yourself that have been lost/dismantled or shunned and bring them back into balance while reclaiming your power

  2. To restore the energy balance between yourself and a person that you have had a difficult time. These journeys can help stop energy loss and connection that is harming you, creating negativity, or still causing painful emotions.

Past Life Journeys to visit a significant past life that is related to a challenge you are having now and bring the lessons and growth into this lifetime.

Gatekeeper Journey to meet your inner child and connect with them and their essence before coping mechanisms or survival needs were developed in response to trauma or life difficulties.

Shamanic Coaching

In this session, we will explore your current challenges, or intents for healing and work through a number of options including:

Thought Form Recapitulation - a powerful technique that helps to cut the memory and feeling ties of limiting beliefs and difficult memories

Aggression/Passivity/Assertiveness teachings - awareness of which you are using and why and how to move toward a place of assertiveness over defensiveness

Body Type Education - based on 4 types that are developed in childhood to cope with life’s challenges and how to bring them into balance and recognize what gifts/challenges are normally experienced

Ways to develop your power and create more alignment and change in your life (could include energy techniques, breath work, or intention-setting work to name a few). These sessions are more open, similar to my spiritual guidance sessions but specific to techniques that are part of my program. After the summer I will also have in-person energy work with tuning forks and crystals!

If any of this appeals to you, send me a message and we can chat about what you are interested in and how I can work through it with you! I welcome all people, regardless of beliefs, religion or backgrounds. All that is required is an open mind and an open heart. A healthy dose of curiosity and an interest in self-growth go a long way!