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The Power in Connecting With Your Birth Chart Goddesses

Do you know what Goddesses sit in your birth chart? Let’s explore the power in knowing this information, as well as the overall wisdom of the Goddesses throughout the ages and how you can apply it to your life.

Art by: https://jqube.artstation.com/

I recently got a Goddess Report which outlined where 12 different Goddesses sat in my Birth Chart. This report was focused on 12 Goddesses from Greek Mythology and each one relates to an asteroid body discovered in the 1800s during a time when these ancient civilizations were flourishing in science, math, and philosophy. As asteroid’s were discovered in the sky, they were given names of the Goddesses (A beautiful token of respect for the feminine entities. Signifying that the power of the feminine, which is the power of Mother Earth and Magic was still respected and revered even when women were beginning to lose their equal place in society).

I have been slowly learning about different Goddesses and Archetypes to gain a better understanding of my own gifts and power and how our ancestors and lineage lines worked within the natural world. Goddess worship is thought to be the earliest form of spirituality and religion and ancient Romans and Greeks based their Gods and Goddesses in part from the Minoan Civilization. This ancient race from the Aegean Islands, known for crafting beautiful pottery, jewelry, and elaborate palaces, also had women in positions of power. They practiced Goddess worship and had powerful Priestesses in place as well as painted devotions to nature and the ocean, with no human presence, signifying a respect for Mother Earth and the land they prospered on.

There are similar themes seen around the world in ancient Celtic spirituality and the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptian women could hold property, divorce their husbands and hold positions of power in temples, which is significant as we all know how history goes regarding equality amoung genders. Now the report I am focusing on is about Roman-Greek gods, but there are similarities and connections across belief systems that one can get lost in while exploring.

Minoan Snake Goddess

What was especially beautiful about this report is that it also groups the Goddesses into 3 areas they reside over. Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. These themes are at the heart of mythology, and they have spiritual meanings that do not need to be taken so literally. For example, the Goddesses presiding over Heaven (in the report these are Ceres, Pallas Athena, Juno, and Vesta), are not focused on that light filled place in the sky, but are representing life initiations, transitions, and orientations. While the Goddesses of the Underworld (Hygieia, Cassandra, Hecate and Medea) represent the waters of the unconscious, feelings and the magic of life, while also being present with us during times of healing and intuitive awakenings. And those of the Earth (Ariadne, Europa, Mnemosyne and Pandora) characterize our labors of love and what concerns us in the world we live in.

Like me, you may not have a Goddess in every house of your chart, and I had 4 in my 12th house! This was fascinating to me, as I am also a triple Pisces (Sun, Moon and Rising) and the 12th house is ruled by Pisces. I am still unpacking what all of this substantial energy in one area of my life indicates, but a key piece is that my life has been marked by continual transformation, death and re-birth. I change (a lot), and I am comfortable going into the depths of the dark to retrieve a pearl. Someone once said to me “I really admire how you are always re-inventing yourself and going after something new”. At the time, I didn’t think that really sounded like me at all, but years later I look back at the observation and realize it is very much true. These changes and transformations are not always in ways that the outside world can see, but the internal shifts consistently bring on new discoveries. I can’t stand being boxed in and am a seeker at the core of my heart, a spiritual warrior who isn’t afraid to push my own boundaries.

The report gave me such insights and validations that I felt like exploring the Goddesses more and invoking them more specifically into certain areas of my life. 2 of the Goddesses in my 12th House are Ceres and Pallas Athena, both Goddesses of the Heavens. This energy feels like a balancing influence, so that I can always come out of the Piscean depths without getting too lost in them. Pallas Athena pervades over wisdom controlling instincts and strategic thinking, which I need as a balance to my naturally overly dreamy state of being. And with such synchronistic beauty she is gifted with intuitive knowing (gut-feeling), which is a sign that I base most of my decisions on (also a sign of things working based on my Human Design chart!).

This quote from my report says it well “you are wise, not necessarily in the ways of the modern-day technological world, but in the ways of the feminine psychic world”. And so, with that I find no surprise that my old soul that has shied away from social media and the digital world, while also running straight ahead into Shamanic Womb work.

The report had me looking into specific Goddesses to learn more about how I can invoke them into my spiritual journey and life. Pallas Athena is also Minerva in Roman beliefs and Neith in Ancient Egypt. Both of which are powerful Goddesses with prominent positions and representing wisdom and war. Obviously I am not going to war, but identifying as a spiritual warrior, someone who isn’t afraid to pursue self-awareness no matter how daunting the challenge, makes more sense now then it ever has! If you find placements like this in your chart, you may uncover insights about yourself that give you the motivation and energy to see your dreams realized, or to take your health and sovereignty back!

Readings like this paint a more fulsome and deep picture of our personalities, traits and life challenges or lessons. As the divine feminine is awakening around the world, it makes sense to learn about the Goddesses and how to invoke their strengths and wisdom into our lives. The report also gives practical guidance around where to take care of potential pitfalls, like self-care or boundaries in relationships. Advice that can serve just about anyone.

Neith Art: Damien F. Mackey

As the world grew, Goddess worship was pushed out in favour of more patriarchal beliefs and oppressions. We see this pattern all over the world, especially in places that had strong connections with the Earth, like Indigenous cultures and the ancient Celtic spiritualities. Invoking the Goddesses that are calling us now, allows for a remembrance of our divinity, our innate link to Mother Earth. Likely, there are gifts and insights we can all learn from, whether you identify as female or not. Our existence isn’t linear, but the result of centuries of birth and death, dreams, and consequences.

Other Ways to Connect with the Goddesses

If there has been an archetype, goddess or entity that you are drawn to, take that as your own intuitve wisdom and do some research about them.

  • Art work or mythology are great places to start, oftentimes we can get intuitive hits just from images

  • Read about the astrological and spiritual symbolism associated with them and look for overlaps in your own personality, life challenges and innate gifts

  • Oracle cards or tarot decks with Goddesses may also be helpful, as you can intuitively work with them and the message of the cards to gain insight on what you need help with now

  • Adorn yourself with jewellry or clothing that show the essence of a Goddess you are drawn to, or add artwork or tokens to your home or altar space to honor and channel their energy

  • Get your own Goddess Report done. There are many out there, I was lucky to get mine done from SheWhois on a pay what you will offering.

So, what Goddesses are you hearing the call of? And are you ready to embody them?

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