A quick guide on how to use my custom herbal blends and dream pillows. Now available at The Makers Keep on 124st, Edmonton and Crescent Moon Curio Shoppe in Spruce Grove!
How to use your herbal yoni steam/bath blend
To use your herbal blend as a yoni/pelvic steam:
Get a stainless steel or ceramic pot and boil the water
Add 2 tablespoons of herbs, turn down the heat, and let simmer for 5 minutes
Use the same pot or transfer to a ceramic or stainless steel bowl
Go into child’s pose, kneel, or squat over the steam for 10 minutes
Watch this short reel for ideas on how to steam without a steam stool, it’s easy!
Wrap a large towel, or sheet around your lower body to hold the steam in longer and increase the detoxifying effects
While steaming, take time to connect deeply with your body
Never steam while pregnant or during your active menstrual cycle (during bleeding). Steaming is intended for use before and after the bleeding phase of your cycle.
Afterwards, return the cooled water to Mother Earth in your yard, plants or compost. You can even keep the water and herbs and add it to your bath water
To use your herbal blend in the bath/ sitz bath:
Add as much as you want to hot bath water and sink into the fragrance and properties of the herbs
You can add them to a little pouch to make clean-up easier if you want (instead of leaving them loose)
Dispose of used herbs in the compost or consider giving them back to mother earth!
Other uses:
All of my herbal blends are multi-use! They are safe to drink, add to food, use in beauty or wellness treatments, and more! For example:
As a facial steam: use as little or as much as you want, boil for about 10 minutes and then place a towel over your head and have a relaxing, clearing facial steam
Tea: 1 tsp steeped in hot water for about 5-10 minutes, drink and enjoy!
Some people put them in small cotton bags and put them in the drawers, bags or between linens for a natural, refreshing scent.
Seasonal Herbal Tea Blends
These blends are potent and made with balance in mind. A little goes a long way and they will taste earthy and herby! Tea blends can also be used for facial steaming or in a bath.
Start with 1-2 teaspoons and add boiling water, steep for 5-10 minutes and enjoy! Add sweetener or milk of choice if preferred.
The anxiety relief tea blend also supports sleep and is best consumed before bed, or during the day when feeling anxious, stressed, or worried. 1-2 cups a day is all you need!
Place your dream pillow under or in your pillowcase. You can periodically massage or shake the herbs inside to re-activate them. You can also add essential oil to increase the scent.
To enhance the dream pillow’s magick, speak an intention into the sachet or write it on a piece of paper and place it inside the sachet. Intentions can be based on what you need support, guidance, or healing with.
Dream pillows can also be placed in bags, drawers and between linens to add a natural, calming scent to them.
When no scent is present and you feel it is done, keep the crystal and reuse the sachet, and give the herbs back to Mother Earth
Interested in dream work, read my post about the importance of dreams here
Reach out to me here
Never steam while actively bleeding during your menstrual cycle
Steaming is best done a few days before you begin to bleed and a few days after the bleeding has completely stopped
Do not steam if pregnant or unsure if you are pregnant
As steaming detoxifies the reproductive system, you may experience discharge or spotting. This is normal and indicates the clearing out of old tissue. It should not go on longer than a few days. If it continues, reach out to me, discontinue steaming or work with a peristeam hydrotherapist
Ready to reclaim your womb power and balance your menstrual cycle?