Upcoming events.

Shadow Drum Journey
Join us on Sunday January 26 for a shadow drum journey. Once again at the beautiful Harmonic Egg!
The venue is small with room for 6-8 people, so register early if wanting to attend.
This drum journey will focus on reclaiming an aspect of your shadow self. You will be guided to travel to the spirit realm and meet your shadow animal who will help you reclaim an aspect of your being that has been hidden, denied or rejected.
Includes an integration and sharing circle and chakra balancing.
Exchange is $30. Please register via Harmonic Egg by calling or emailing:
Email: info@harmoniceggedmonton.com

Drum Journey at Harmonic Egg Edmonton
Join us for an intimate and small power animal drum journey at Harmonic Egg Edmonton!
The venue is small, so register early if wanting to attend. Be guided to travel to the spirit realm and connect with your power, meeting your power animal (the animal who is most like your essence in this lifetime), and reclaim parts of your strength, skills and lifeforce!
Includes some tea (handcrafted by me), integration and sharing circle and chakra balancing.
Exchange is $30. Please register via Harmonic Egg by calling or emailing:
Email: info@harmoniceggedmonton.com

End of Year Release and Visioning Journey
Take a moment to release and shed what is ready to be released and make space for what you are calling in.
On December 31 we have a unique portal, 12/31/23. Honoring where you have been and intentionally making space for where you desire and dream to go amplifies your dream within this powerful energy!
The journey will include:
A guided drum meditation and chakra drumming to bring you into the present and align your energy
A release ritual
A visioning exercise to help you get clear and specific on your dreams
Practical tools to help you with the holiday season, endings and beginnings, and becoming more aligned with your true self
On Zoom with registration required, $15. Payment must be received before meeting details will be sent.
Pay by e-transfer to arosereimer@gmail.com
Pay by PayPal here
*I offer sliding scales to those who need some flexibility, email me at arosereimer@gmail.com to request, no questions asked!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Dec 21 Registration closed
Dec 28, 7pm MTN, 6 pm PST, 9 pm EST
Dream it
Dream it 〰️

Caring For Your Body - Menstrual Education for the Mind, body and Spirit
Learn why menstruation is a health indicator, both physically and spiritually, and how to bring it into balance.

Learn the basics of dream interpretation, dream recall and how to strengthen the communication and guidance from your dreams!

Women's Healing Circle: Womb Awakening
Women’s Healing Circle. Learn to awaken your womb and explore the wisdom in a safe, sacred circle in sisterhood.

Monthly Dream Sharing Circle
A dream sharing circle is a safe and inclusive space to explore dream recall and learn how to harness the power and guidance of your dreams!
Click to read more!