Divine Elevation

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A Collective Oracle Card Reading for September 2022

I felt inspired to pull cards for the collective. The collective being all of us, as a species, as beings that are connected energetically more than we truly know and understand. I trust that the cards that came forth are meant to be seen and the ones who need to see them, will.

I have been inspired to use two beloved decks, one for a message from our higher selves and the other for a message from our ancestors. To bridge the two, our past with our future. We are the bridge in the middle.

For the Collective

What is important for us all to know now?

Three cards flew out of the Angels and Ancestors deck. At first, I was only going to flip the one that I had the strongest pull too but felt it necessary to see the other two. I am glad that I did, as the sequence of messaging is so beautiful and impactful.

From our Ancestors: Seer, Elder, and Great Teacher 

First the Seer (See Beyond the Current Situation)

Then the Elder (Move Beyond Ancestral Patterns)

Finally, the Great Teacher (Learn from Spiritual Experiences)

I feel the message is clearly calling out to us all, to take a pause and see into this time from a more holistic viewpoint. The Seer card is about understanding the intuitive messages coming forth and seeing beyond current situations to the bigger picture, often linked to spiritual lessons. The Elder card calls us to become aware of what we are carrying and holding that is not ours. What aspects of our lives are we taking on because of family, history, and lineage based woundings or experiences?

This often colors our perspective and can be difficult to see past. Yet, ancestral patterns are not ours to carry, and we can see beyond them and move past them to learn what our ancestors want to teach us. Often revealing great strengths. This is a life lesson that we learn in layers and pieces as we become more healed and ready to take them on.

Then, the Great Teacher card came in at the end. It is asking us to look at this whole picture and see what can be learned from it. These spiritual lessons are often difficult and can be hard to decipher when in the moment. Can you think of something that is occurring for you now, that could benefit from you widening your viewpoint on?

Where are you holding ancestral/ lineage beliefs or patterns and what lessons can you learn from what you ancestors/ family etc. went through?

From our Higher Selves: Trust the Timing

This card came in and is so perfect when relating to the ancestral cards. Oftentimes we want to rush forward to the results, not taking the time to sit and rest and feel what is happening. Before taking the lesson and moving on (thinking you have achieved the goal and you’re done), take some time to sense into all the various aspects of it.

Trusting that the timing came now because now is the right time. Or, if thinking back on a previous experience, recognizing that it happened when it did, because it was right, and now, once beyond the thick of it, you can appreciate and see what was learned from it.

This card calls us to learn trust in all that we do in this life. I can’t think of a more relatable spiritual lesson than that!

Take what you need from these messages.

With love,


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