A Collective Oracle Card Reading

I felt inspired to pull cards for the collective. The collective being all of us, as a species, as beings that are connected energetically more than we truly know and understand. I trust that the cards that came forth are meant to be seen and the ones who need to see them, will.

For the Collective

This is the first time I have done a card pull for the collective. I have been inspired to use two beloved decks, one for the message from our higher selves and the other a message from our ancestors. To bridge the two, our past with our future. We are the bridge in the middle.

From our Higher Selves: Trust the timing. Trust the wave you came in on. Time is not running out.
A reminder that the lower state of being in competition, worry and envy -the scarcity mindset - can be let go.

How much of life are you missing as you dwell in worry, in guilt, in a race to finish something, be something or have something? With beliefs that you are too old, not smart enough, don’t have enough money or that if you don’t do it now, someone else will take it from you and you will miss out? I feel our higher selves reminding us about the time we waste in these energies, when we could be living, laughing, enjoying and riding the wave. Whatever you are feeling that is a race against time, let it go, time is not running out.

Life is a journey, not a task to be completed.

From our Ancestors: The White Witch, Be the Light.
Gorgeous card that oozes feminine energy and wild connection to magic, which exists in all of us.

Again, where are the lower energies draining you, are they suppressing your light and ability to alchemize beautiful magic? To experience joy and childlike wonder? Our ancestors are reminding us that we are magic, we are light. There is a simplicity in the peace of that.

The owl shows us this widsom, asks us to remember, while the white witch in us is present to embody our light. How can we change the energy within us and around us, redirect it towards love and trust?

What happens when we remember we are the light and the wave of time never ends. We see into the interconnected union between us, the Earth, magic, and Spirit.

I share this with you in gratitude of the guides that have shared it with me.


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