5 Body Types That Reveal Your Psychology

While we need to be careful not to give too much importance to specific labels, we can learn a lot about ourselves when we delve into psychology. In my shamanic studies, there is a weaving together of earth-based medicines, spirituality, and psychology and this is where I first heard about body types and their associated armoring.

These 5 types were discovered and studied by psychoanalysts and doctors, Wilhelm Reich, and Alexander Lowen. In their work with people, they discovered commonalities that reflected the challenges people were facing and classified them into 5 “characters”. There have been numerous books written on the subject, but this post will help simplify the subject!

Your Challenge Is Your Light

What is interesting about these 5 types is that they are named to pinpoint the psychology behind them and elicit a reaction. Before reading about the 5 types, know that these names are not meant to be offensive but to highlight the characteristics that make up the psychological and physical armoring developed during early childhood.

From birth to childhood (before 18 years of age), we develop emotionally, physically, and psychologically in ways that help us cope, survive, and understand the world and our experiences. This has deep effects on our energy levels, triggers, and challenges in life as we navigate relationships, work, self-growth, and the world around us. When we know and understand our body types and the challenges associated with them, we can also understand the gifts and light side of them to live better lives (whatever that means to you!).

We all have 2 predominate types and over time we may bridge into a third or fourth as we grow and change and find more balance in our lives. There are general age ranges to identify the first type, and the second type comes in as we begin to develop autonomy and individuality, heading towards puberty.

Are You Ready to Face Your Shadows?

Ready to hear about them!? See if you can recognize yourself within any of them and remember to take it lightly! We all have armoring, we developed this to help us and support us, and though it may sound negative, it is important to understand that we did this with the information that we had at the time, our child-selves doing the best they could, and this is meant to be informative and supportive of self-growth and healing!

Each description will highlight some of the physical and psychological characteristics, as well as some of the gifts they carry.


This body type is usually developed in the womb or in the first few months of life. There could have been some kind of shock or hostility from the mother (whether perceived or real). The person will develop asymmetry in their body, often have posture problems and eyes that become distant when stressed. They become fearful of the world, and tend to worry about outcomes and what may happen. It is common with this body type to have anxiety and feel easily overwhelmed when there is a lot happening.

This body type struggles with stress, fear, overwhelm, and anything that triggers or incites these feelings and often can’t express their anger or creativity.

However, when this type begins to heal their intuitive, energy sensitivity can become powerful, along with their imagination and creativity, adaptability, and mind expansion!


This type develops around 3 months to 1.5 years old and is brought on by a feeling of abandonment. They are characterized by very expressive eyes, low energy, neediness, and a pouty mouth. There is often a challenge with feeling like they can’t do things without others, as well as feeling lost or abandoned, or being dependent on others.

It is common that they breathe shallowly, as they slouch or collapse inward and forward. They may worry about being assertive (as they fear they may be abandoned because of it). They also struggle with chronic low energy.

When this body type begins to heal they learn to re-parent themselves, are often light-hearted and youthful, giving and loving but form a place of self-acceptance and strength (rather than co-dependency or neediness). They are empathetic and positive.


In this type, the armor starts to develop between 1.5 to 4 years old and is brought on by a domineering caregiver that seemed to control them. There is often a struggle with holding in and suppressing their emotions, passive-aggressiveness, and fear of being exposed, seen, or humiliated. They often try to predict everything, control their own self-expression, and when angered can have threatening eyes or a volcanic temper.

This type tends to have a heavier body, thick limbs, and connective tissue as well as grapple with freedom and control.

However, when they begin to heal they have natural talents in grounding themselves and others, holding space well, being calm and supportive in times of chaos and stress, and having strong wills and boundaries.


This type also develops around 1.5 years to 4 years old. It can be brought on by a feeling of betrayal from a caregiver or love that felt conditional (usually a same-sex caregiver). They often develop bodies that resemble a v shape with broad shoulders, wider upper bodies, and more narrow lower bodies. They struggle with manipulation and finding a balance between dominating or survival, such as being a bully or being very charismatic to get their way. Tight chests which may lead to pain or heart problems are also a characteristic.

As they fear losing control or being betrayed, they often avoid surrendering. This type has a high sex drive which can actually be used to help them heal, surrender, and cope with stress.

When healing begins, they are charismatic (without manipulating), natural leaders, have strong physical and mental willpower, and will empower others through their strength.


This type is developed between 4 and 7 years old. There was a felt betrayal from an opposite-sex caregiver or a feeling of rejection. This body type is characterized by having high expectations, a tendency to be pessimistic and hard to please, and experience extreme frustration. Their bodies develop to be stiff, their shoulders pulled back, and often have a lot of tension in them.

This type struggles with over-doing things, not feeling satisfied, burning out, and holding back or not allowing their feelings. This can make them seem almost devoid of emotions, while also having bouts of explosive anger and frustration.

But they have gifts of being highly focused, devoted, and resilient. As they heal they are able to share their gifts in strategizing, organizing, being dependable and efficient, and can work towards supporting the greater good with much influence and positive results!

What to do with this information!

When we develop more awareness about ourselves and how we deal with challenges, pain, and fear, we can better understand how to change and heal our habits that may be harming us or others. Unlocking the gifts of each type is possible, as is living a more authentic life where we experience more joy, play, satisfaction, and deeper bonds and relationships.

This is knowledge that we can use to change how we feel and live in the world around us. With each type, there are different lessons, activities, and practices that can be done to heal the root of the wounds and reduce the defense mechanisms in place. It is common to have more heart-opening, better boundary setting, and better mastery over energy as these body armoring’s are healed and supported.

For example, a masochist may find relief and support by doing specific exercises that help express stored emotions like weight-lifting or kick-boxing, while a rigid body type can support their high expectations and perfectionism by partaking in spontaneous actions that have no goal, focusing instead on how it feels in their body or heart space.

Begin to ask yourself where you see these defense mechanisms and body structures showing up in your life and how you can put them at ease, fostering more self-love or a feeling of security.

There is so much potential in understanding the body structures developed in childhood and how they affect us into adulthood. We can learn compassion and self-care by tending to these, as well as empathy for those closest to us who may be reacting due to their own body armor!

If you want to learn more about working with these structures and finding ways to build more self-love and peace, connect with me, and let’s work together!


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