
A poem about the power in menstruation!

I feel you coming

I have learned the subtle and the not-so-subtle signs

The tears that flow freely

Everything feels so harsh

The pain and tenderness in my belly and breasts

It hurts and I’m bloated

The desire to sleep more, hide, nest, and cuddle

I feel so tired

I feel you and yet I have detached from you

Even though when I feel you coming, I feel something come alive

My sacred rage

My wounds begging to be healed

My intuition lighting up the truth

I sense the magic and yet I shy away

Having been told my own power is unclean and wild

I don’t know what to do with you, except complain, cry, and wish you away

I haven’t been taught how blessed I am to have this cycle inside me

I’ve only been taught shame

This ancient wisdom drumming and thrumming with the heart of Mother Earth

This lifeline, this root system of ancestors, of our potential, of my innate connection to the Universal energy of creation

What might I do with that?

When it hurts, when I cry, when all I want to do is hide and wait for it to be over?

When everywhere around me disregards it or despises it?

I want to hear you; I want to take you for what you are and rejoice in the blessings of my body

So, what if the tears, and the pain are telling me something? Telling me how to bleed out what doesn’t serve me any longer. Telling me how to negotiate my boundaries. Teaching me how to take care of my body and of my heart.

This time I listen.

And it feels like a re-birth through the flames of my own ignition

She shines with the force of a millennium of women

Singing and screaming under the moon of life

The vision is so clear, and I hold it close.

I feel you and I welcome you, my dear blood of life, it has been a journey and now I am listening.


A Message from our Ancestors and our Higher Selves


The Power in Connecting With Your Birth Chart Goddesses