Spirit, Source, Creator, Universe. Confused? Here’s an explanation

If you have heard these terms and wondered what they mean, here is a brief guide to some of the differences and similarities (and my approach, because it can be subjective!).

 In a recent conversation with someone, I learned that it was not intuitively understood what these terms mean. I often use them interchangeably, as for me, they represent the same energy of creation and life that we are all a part of, along with every living thing. A collective consciousness in a way. Yet words have very different meanings for different people. None of these are referring to a physical body or a God in the traditional/religious sense and are referring to a spiritual consciousness.

In this consciousness, we are all connected and life flows through us all, to it and vice versa.

Learning how to invite this energy in, move with it, flow with it, co-create with it, can bring more purpose, satisfaction and growth into our lives.


This term is one way to describe the overall intelligent entity/energy of life, creation, death, re-birth, and life force. Great Spirit is a term you may see more specifically in indigenous cultures.

This is different from Spirits, which is more for ghosts or entities. Spirit is also a term often used interchangeably with Soul, to describe the spiritual energy of our essence, or of our Higher Selves.

In Shamanic Medicine there is a saying that says

‘’We are one cell in the body of Great Spirit”

I love this saying, as it points to our interconnected existence. Small, but special. We are part of the weaving of life, made up of the same elements that make up the Universe, stars, trees, animals, and even the same objects we use every day in our lives (cars, food, clothing, as these are made with resources from the Earth, which is also part of Great Spirit, etc.). We are not separate, but apart of. Some belief systems also call this energy The Great Mystery, with an understanding that we live with it and as part of it and will likely never fully understand it.


The essence of all life, or life force. Like the Soul of life. You may also hear it referred to as Divine Source, THE Source, etc. It is a similar term to Great Spirit, and I use both the same way, as do many others.

What happens internally when you imagine that you are connected to the Source of life, all the time, and can call on that energy to support you, simply by breathing and being alive?


This term is used more in indigenous cultures to represent Great Spirit, Source, and God. The energy where all life came from. It is often tied to creation stories and beliefs about how we should interact with the world around us (with respect and care), and how to view life (with care and intention).


The universe can also be interchangeable with the above terms, but more specifically refers to the universe we know in the cosmos. Our Earth and the planets and galaxies we are currently aware of. Beyond their scientific explanation, it gives this vastness a consciousness.

Obviously, there are more terms than this, as each language has its own way of naming this spiritual consciousness. What I notice that really differentiates the spiritual approach from the religious approach is that this entity/consciousness does not have human-like traits. Meaning (from a spiritual approach), it doesn’t have hate, jealousy or wrath, or a set of standards that defines who is worthy and who is not.

It can be controversial, but the world shifts a bit when you start to look around yourself and see everything and everyone as an experience in this journey of life, one that is shared with Spirit/Source and our own Soul across lifetimes. It also asks us to question the meaning of things and our place within them. If we are a part of this consciousness, but it does not have an end goal or a set of doctrines, what do we do!!!??

The beauty is (like life), we are capable of just about anything. Birth and death are just as much a part of us as they are a part of the world we live in, but the way we see things is mainly limiting and specifically defined. This rigidity removes the magic, spirit, and possibility of life.

Viewing the world, ourselves, and all living things as part of the Great Spirit/Source/Creator means that we have a relationship. What affects one, affects the other. These terms challenge our human separateness thinking and call on us to remember the divinity in ourselves and every living thing around us.




An Update


A Message from our Ancestors and our Higher Selves